Why I Love Bunheads So Much

Bunheads, an ABC Family show, was cancelled last year, but to this day is ranked as my all-time favourite TV series. I can’t tell you how many times I have watched the series (it would be shocking if I actually knew the real number!). It is a show about a Vegas show girl named Michelle who ends up marrying a man named Hubble on a whim and moving to the town of Paradise to live with him…and his mother, Fanny. When Hubble dies in a car accident, Fanny and Michelle have to figure out what to do next. Fanny also owns a ballet studio. The show is filled with ups and downs, laughs and tears. I completely adore it. Here are some reasons why:

1) Dancing – very unique, beautiful, and fun. I especially love the dance for Fanny and the lyrical one focusing around Sasha

2) It’s fast – The dialogue keeps your attention because it’s so fast!

3) It’s funny – Amy Sherman-Palladino’s writing is hilarious. It’s very witty and pop-culture-y, which I love!

4) The characters – There is not one character who isn’t perfectly realistic and thought out. There is something unique and special about every one (and the main six characters are all my role models!)

5) The actors – They were all unknown to me at first. Now I love and look up to each one as themselves and not just their characters. Plus, Sutton Foster is just amazing!

6) It’s realistic – Nothing crazy really happens (like magic or murders). Instead, it’s all about real life experiences and problems and stuff like growing up. It is not boring at all and is actually very refreshing and different from every other TV show I’ve seen.

7) Watching the characters grow – It’s nice being my age and watching a show where people really do grow up and mature and change their lives (even at Michelle and Fanny’s age, ha ha).

Bunheads will never get old for me and I think it will always be as comforting and wonderful to me as when I watched it the first time. Even though it was cancelled last year. I am thankful for 18 incredible episodes. Please watch it. I know you won’t be disappointed!


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